
GUN LINE (Pittsburgh, PA)

"I grabbed a brick of these today. These bags are called GUN LINE, they are from the Pittsburgh, PA area, the stamp isn't all that crisp and clear but you can make out the name on some of the better ones , they read gun line with the L in line being a gun which is pretty cool, and these are pretty good bags I would rate them as follows,"
Count 8
Rush 8
Leg 7

"Overall I would rate these a 7.5 all together some of the better stuff going around.
As a side note, I have seen someone else post a review of the KILL BILL stamps. Those ones are the 2nd best I have had in Pittsburgh recently, (the best would be Hell Raisers with a red stamp.) Now with that said, I would put these GUN LINES in 3rd place after those two.

As always be careful and use caution, even if you think you have had this stamp before. Because we have had an outbreak of fatal ODs in the Pittsburgh area, dealers have switched from "Theraflu" to other stamp names to hide the names from the police! Please be careful, it's not worth your life!!"

--anonymous reader submission from PA *thanks for the warning!


Anonymous said...

Not trying to be a dick, but when you're rating bags, something that you consider "pretty good" or "some of the better shit going around" shouldn't be rated an 8. If a ten is pure shit then "pretty good" shit should be more like a 6.

Anonymous said...

Not trying to be a dick, but when you're rating bags, something that you consider "pretty good" or "some of the better shit going around" shouldn't be rated an 8. If a ten is pure shit then "pretty good" shit should be more like a 6.