

6/10 (overall)
"Sold for $40 for the equivalent of about 450mgs.  The quality shifts slightly week to week.  Really drowsy feeling high.  Downfall is the shortness of effects.  Bulk of high last about an hour and a half.  Overall, worth the $40 - usually dealers won't sell anything under $50, but even that's rare.  Have been noticing nothing under a bundle being sold in my area lately.  Good for when you're low on cash."
---reader submission Thanks S. (ed. note: not sure where this is coming from--will update if I find out!)


Post-Sandy Sundries..Pain-in-Ass or Business-as-Usual?

Greetings dear readers,
I hope you are all safe and sound from the terrible storm last week. I lead a pretty quiet life far away out here in the crimson shadow of a "red" state.. I haven't the company of a boob tube for some time so I'm pretty poor at paying attention to the news. When I finally looked up "Sandy" images online I was SHOCKED to say the least. I lived in the East Village during 9/11..watched it all happen from my roof. New Yorkers pulled together pretty miraculously back then..Looking back it was rather inspirational and made me pretty proud to be there and a part of that community.

But this storm is a whole different kind of mess, eh?
The city as a whole was a very different place in 2001.
There were still real people living in the neighborhoods..folks with nowhere else to go.

CASINO (fail..)

"Every couple of weeks I visit my Lower East Side connect in the hopes that she has something decent.  Unfortunately that is never the case.  I picked up these Casino stamped bags on October 25th, 2012. They are garbage.  They are pure white with no taste.  
I'm not going to bother giving it a review score because they're just terrible."

Reader submission--Manhattan (thanks Alfred! Sorry about the crummy score..)


"Dispatch from Brooklyn, Thursday 10/12, 2am:"
(ed. note: so sorry for the late posting--Ive been really busy and neglecting this blog!)
"From a dude who brands his own stuff - Always pretty good, OK rush, decent legs, even impressive to a heavy user like me. Varies between ok and absolute heaven. Can easily make a weekender fall out. Dude is a pretty >REDACTED<; (ed. note you mean he's a somewhat "connected, independent fish?"
) ie: no dealing with middle men, so I dig that he really knows whats up with his product. He has also done stamps: fireworks, ace of spades, clowns, and others. He swears in a week this stuff will be absolute fire. Update you then. Would be perfect if he didn't make you wait four hours. All around, great stamp!"
--reader submission from Brooklyn (thanks EVE!)


Movie Action (fail..)


And yet another finest example of Brooklyn's crap!
Those bags were filled twice the normal, huge size easy topped 200 mg but when
opened it was nothing but fine white powder that smelled strongly of quinine.
 Those bags were unusually narrow and thin glassines that reminded me of those $5 Paterson's bags.
(they very well just might be)
Solution was also clear with slightest shade of yellow.
That is because it was probably 98.9% quinine in those bags.
It was super weak stuff that I just barely felt, forget about getting high on it!!! Waste of money!

Rush  none
Count 10 but useless inert powder 
Legs  none

Da One

 Another disappointment from Brooklyn...

  This stuff is kind of dark..yellowish brown and murky (coffee with cream color when in the rig). Has odor that is different from normal vinegar heroin smell. It also has lousy sleepy high that is dirty and lasts only an hour at best. So if this is absolute must to get straight then maybe otherwise it should be avoided.

Rush 2...maybe
Count 6
Legs  almost none