
SALE/D&G/Dolce&Gabbana--and moar! (Trenton, NJ)

Rush. n/a (snorted)
Quality. 6
Count. 3 
Legs. 6
"This surprised me, I must say. The name was a complete turn off (and the stamp was applied rather poorly) but the product was pretty good! Also, the price was low, but the count/size was terrible. If the bags were a little bigger I probably would have given higher numbers, but it's hard to judge when 2 equal 1 in size."
Rush n/a. (snorted)
Quality. 4
Count. 4-5  all over the place
Legs 4
 "This isn't too good IMO.  It's cheap, but there's much better stuff out there! The high began to subside after about 30 min. (rather then the usual 1-2hr) and the size/weight was all over the place. One of the bags, I swear, had like a single flake of powder in it! It seems like the Trenton guys just don't care at all about consistency...even the packaging seems like it was rushed."

**Ed. NOTE: This fine contributor also included the additional reviews below, sans pictures. If anyone happens to come across corresponding images and wants to send them along I will update!-xJYNXIE-

"Hey, I'm from the Trenton area and am a long time reader of your blog. I was hoping to start giving reviews on what I pick up. 90% of the time it comes from Trenton and 10% of the time it's from Philadelphia. Unfortunately, I trashed all the bags without taking pictures--next time I will first!"

(plain text)
Rush n/a. 
Quality 3.   
Count 5. 
Legs 5.

Pokemon (w/ graphic of pikachu)  
Rush n/a.
Quality 6.   
Count 5. 
Legs 5.

Animal Planet (logo)
Rush n/a.
Quality 5.   
Count 5. 
Legs 5.

Goya (blue bag)
Rush n/a. 
Quality 7.   
Count 6. 
Legs 6.
"Best stuff around here."

TOM FORD (w/ graphic)
Rush n/a.
Quality 6. 
Count 5. 
Legs 5. 

YANKEES (there are 2 different versions going around..)
~One stamp has just the logo and it's straight garbage!
~A second version with logo also includes text "Yankees" and is decent; 5-6 across  the board."

 ---anonymous reader submission from Trenton, NJ

MUSCLE MILK (Pittsburgh, PA)

  "Best stamp I've ever had..(originally copped in 2013)"
"I had these once before when I was still sniffing dope sometime last year, and they were my all time favorite bags. To this day, I always tell people about them, and my friends who did get to do them with me when they came around, we always talk about how nothing has come close to these bags--straight fire! I was so excited when I got these (again) last night, I still can't believe they are back!

LEGS 10 
COUNT 10 (honestly, should be 11--lol) 

Last time I got these they were so fat the whole bottom square of the bag was full and opaque. I'm talking like the dope even went up 1/4 of the way past the first fold and that's how every single bag was, and they are just the same way this time around. I was so excited when I got these last night, I still can't believe they are back!"
"These bags are really powerful, (especially via IV) 
 so please, BE CAREFUL and always do a test shot!" 

"As far as I know there is nothing funny cut-wise in them and I haven't heard of anyone OD'ing on these, but the dope is pretty damn potent, so please, if you come across them, USE CAUTION--even when sniffing!" 
 --anonymous reader submission from Pittsburgh, PA! (thank u!)



"Been getting this stamp for about a month and a half now and have not been disappointed at all. This dealer never lets me down and if I want to be sure to be getting some good gear I go to him. Also (he) does singles and half buns, too, so that's always great. This batch/stamp is hands down worth the money. Great rush every time and gives awesome legs. The count could be a li'l better, though but its not bad."
Legs - 7
"I've been getting these bags now for the past week and a half and like usual (from this connect), it's pretty much garbage and only good enough to keep me sane and feeling normal. Forget about trying to nod or getting any type of rush from this shit (which im sure is probably impossible) The only thing that has me buying stuff off this dealer is the low price (bundles go for $35) You can't beat that, haha." ed note: Or can you..?! :p
Rush -3 
Count - 5

--submission from reader in New Brunswick, NJ

GUN LINE (Pittsburgh, PA)

"I grabbed a brick of these today. These bags are called GUN LINE, they are from the Pittsburgh, PA area, the stamp isn't all that crisp and clear but you can make out the name on some of the better ones , they read gun line with the L in line being a gun which is pretty cool, and these are pretty good bags I would rate them as follows,"
Count 8
Rush 8
Leg 7

"Overall I would rate these a 7.5 all together some of the better stuff going around.
As a side note, I have seen someone else post a review of the KILL BILL stamps. Those ones are the 2nd best I have had in Pittsburgh recently, (the best would be Hell Raisers with a red stamp.) Now with that said, I would put these GUN LINES in 3rd place after those two.

As always be careful and use caution, even if you think you have had this stamp before. Because we have had an outbreak of fatal ODs in the Pittsburgh area, dealers have switched from "Theraflu" to other stamp names to hide the names from the police! Please be careful, it's not worth your life!!"

--anonymous reader submission from PA *thanks for the warning!


"I picked these up in Jamaica, Queens. Hands down the firest fire I've had in years. Was not expecting the explosion of awesome that followed IV administration. Rush was fantastic. Intense nod lasting a good 5 hours. And I even took 2mg of Suboxone 5 hours earlier! I reckon if I hadn't taken that Suboxone, I might be in trouble right now.  If you get your hands on this stamp, be careful! Pretty decent count too."--Cheers
Rush: 9
Legs: 9
Count: 7/8
--reader submission from SIXGUN in Queens.

BLUE PRINT 3 (Pittsburgh, PA)

 "I came across these this past week, as this is what has been going around. (I am in the Pittsburgh, PA area)"
Rush on these is a 7
Leg is a 6
Count is a 6
"Not the best around by far, but will do the trick, and will for sure take you off being sick. As always use caution, as everyone's tolerance is different...Thanks for taking my review."
--anonymous reader submission from Pittsburgh, PA--gracias

SCOOBY DOO (Somerville, NJ)

Somerville NJ
Rush - 7 
Count -7 
Legs - 7 

Good stuff, best I've had in a while from around my way. Rush was great, wasn't expecting it to be a good as it was! Count was great, too--half of the fold was filled with powder, and legs were as good as the rush.--anonymous reader submission from NJ


These came from Newark,Nj.
The red bag is hard to read, (looks like they were running out of ink) but it says Hell on Earth and they're nothin' special. The blue ink is a skull and they were a little better.. I just sniff 'em so no rush rating.
Count was standard (6)
same rating for Legs (6)

Like I said, standard Newark product. I have few regular people I go to and usually it's good stuff/good price @ $6 bag so I can't complain 'bout that. Anyway, this is my 1st contribution w/ more to come.
--reader submission, thanks Broke & Tired from the Ridge