
BUD LIGHT (Pittsburgh, PA)

King of.. D?
"BUD LIGHT (the same exact thing as BUD ICE) have been floating around. Overall, these are the best bags I've came across in a few years.."

--anonymous reader submission from Pittsburgh, PA

NOTE FROM JYNXIE: This contributor also mentioned the rash of OD's occurring over the last couple months in his city and surrounding areas. possibly commensurate with the presence of Fentanyl in the dope. It is not clear whether this BUD LIGHT/ICE stamp is related to any of these ODs, or contains actual fentanyl or other adulterants but we urge you to EXCERCISE CAUTION and GO SLOW if you encounter it.. Particularly if you are an IV and/or recreational user with a lighter tolerance!


Anonymous said...

is there any way i can be a contributor? im a daily user from the paterson area, and i would love to rate and spread information on the different stamps coming out of my part of jersey! reply back and ill leave my email

Anonymous said...

also i will add that i have extensive blogging experience..

Anonymous said...

To review a product just send it to jynxie at littlesnappingturtle@gmail.com