

"Dispatch from Brooklyn, Thursday 10/12, 2am:"
(ed. note: so sorry for the late posting--Ive been really busy and neglecting this blog!)
"From a dude who brands his own stuff - Always pretty good, OK rush, decent legs, even impressive to a heavy user like me. Varies between ok and absolute heaven. Can easily make a weekender fall out. Dude is a pretty >REDACTED<; (ed. note you mean he's a somewhat "connected, independent fish?"
) ie: no dealing with middle men, so I dig that he really knows whats up with his product. He has also done stamps: fireworks, ace of spades, clowns, and others. He swears in a week this stuff will be absolute fire. Update you then. Would be perfect if he didn't make you wait four hours. All around, great stamp!"
--reader submission from Brooklyn (thanks EVE!)


Anonymous said...

Where in Brooklyn, Eve?

sistermorphine said...

If you ever visit the Boston area, let me give you a personal tour of the adult toy store where I work! I'm not mackin' on ya,but it's always nice to make a new friend or friendly acquaintance. Cheers!