

This is reincarnation of Dr.Pepper so it is pretty solid. Greatest thing about this stuff it is
completely filled to the first fold bags.They are huge!* Otherwise stuff is pretty decent, too.

rush 6
*count 10
legs  7

UPDATE!!! As of November 2012 those are a bit weaker but still sold 5 all around,

(jynxie note: what a ridiculous stamp. Ive never met an MMA wannabe/Ed Hardy wearing junkie. They'd be better off calling it "Thighmaster" or "SaladShooter" I wonder who's brilliant idea this was, ha! )


Anonymous said...

I never even knew what TAPOUT was until someone told me :) Nice work on the stamp detail...

Anonymous said...

Jynxie! Check out: Kush Support,Cami secret, Eggstractor, Tajazzle should be the new stamps immediately!!!

Anonymous said...

I've stuck with Dr. Pepper and now Tap Out predominantly because it's always solid, never crap, sometimes average, and often killer, plus my guy is timely and provides excellent service. I do miss the "Purple Label" and "Empire" that was going around just about a year ago. That first batch of Purple Label is tied with my #1 of all time, "Bumpy Johnson (Green Bags)" from Newark about 2 years ago. "Empire" is in my top 3. Does anyone know what stamp "Empire" is going by these days??

Anonymous said...

And to the OP, I actually know an MMA guy who pretty high ranked in the Gracie schools of BJJ, and he get's high before every session. Today's user truly cannot be stereotyped. Granted he was "only" about 3-5 bag a day sniffer, but I was amazed how he kept up for so long.

Anonymous said...

EMPIRE is the Clowns/Skulls now. Still good. But the best around WB/Bush is HELLBOY.

BTW, the DrP/Tapout guy is now out of business. Just a reminder that this is still a dangerous business.

Anonymous said...

I just got some Tap Out yesterday, but through a secondary source....he is out for good?

Anonymous said...

There are few people that sell tapout in BK. t is still very much available, hellboy is better though.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I just got done posting something on the "Purple Label". I've been buying Tap Out since it was Dr.Pepper--it is absolutely terrible these days. The product one week is white, beige or brown...chubby bags and/or tiny bags. I tried four different people all last week and they all had the same batch-- as of yesterday it was a new batch (What a surprise!) It's def. no good...

Anonymous said...

ive been havin alot of trouble coppin lately in wat areas wud i be able to find this?

Anonymous said...
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